The scholarship program at the Marshall Point Lighthouse and Museum makes available to graduating high school seniors who are residents of the Town of St. George.

Since 2005 the committee is responsible for management of the Lighthouse and Museum awards. Each year the committee awards two 4 year scholarships and one 2 year scholarship to graduating high school seniors who live in St. George. These awards are $1,000.00 for the first year of college and $500.00 for each year afterward, up to $2,500.00 for four years of college.

The Scholarship Committee consists of one Marshall Point Lighthouse Committee member and three St. George citizens. Applications are made available in January to high school Guidance Offices and must be returned by the third week in April. Applications are reviewed on the first Wednesday in May and presented for approval to the Marshall Point Lighthouse and Museum Board on the second Wednesday of May.

The awards are announced at the various local high schools during their respective Awards Night activities.

Marshall Point Announces Scholarship winners

The Marshall Point Lighthouse Museum is pleased to announce the 2024 scholarship winners. The following St George students were notified that they were recipients of a $1000 scholarship towards their college of choice:

Mark and Betsy Bartholomew Memorial


Leilani Myers - Camden Hills High School

David Percival Scholarship:

Ella Cushman - Camden Hills High School

Lorraine Hupper Scholarship:

Bryson Mattox - Oceanside High School

Each of these students are eligible for an additional $500 for each year that they attend college after their freshman year based on the scholarship protocols.

The Museum recognizes the value of one's education and thus annually provides funds to support the students of St George

Each student is eligible for an additional $500 for each year they attend college after their freshman year based on the scholarship protocols.

The Museum recognizes the value of one’s education and thus annually provides funds to support the students of St. George. Congratulations & Best Wishes to our 2023 scholarship winners for their hard work and achievements!


Criteria for applying include:

1. Resident of St. George

2. High School Graduate

The scholarships offered are awarded in two categories:

1. A two year scholarship for persons attending community college or

other two year programs. The award is for $1000.00 in the first year

and $500.00 for the second year.

2. Two four-year scholarships, Mark & Betsy Bartholomew and David

Percival Scholarships, for persons attending a bachelors degree

program. The award is for $1000.00 for the first year and $500.00 for

each of the next three years.


Previous Lighthouse Scholarship winners are asked to reapply each year to continue their awards.

Funds for the Scholarships are raised through donations and proceeds from the Lighthouse Shop. These scholarships are often critical to the future post-secondary educational plans for St. George students and there is always a greater need for these funds that can be met each year. You can mail your forms to us using the address in the footer or email them here.